Hybrid & Flexible Working

Changes to Flexible Working – April 2024

Flexible Working – Changes from 6 April 2024

From 6th April, employees will have a day one right to make a flexible working request.

Previously, an employee could only make one flexible working request a year – and they had to have worked for you for 26 weeks.

Under these new rules, employees will be able to make two requests in a year. They will also no longer have to explain the effect they think this change in working might have on you.

You have a legal duty to consult with your staff about their requests and make a decision about any request within two months of receiving it. The reasons for refusing a flexible working request will stay the same i.e. for at least one of the eight business reasons: –

Eight reasons for refusing a flexible working request: –

1. The burden of additional costs

2. An inability to reorganise work amongst existing staff

3. An inability to recruit additional staff

4. A detrimental impact on quality

5. A detrimental impact on performance

6. Detrimental effect on ability to meet customer demand

7. Insufficient work for the periods the employee proposes to work

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